New Member

Why is my Tuition/Education amount claimed equal to 0, when I have tuition available to claim (both federal and provincial)?


Seniors and students

The tuition credit is non-refundable, meaning that it can only be used to help lower the amount of tax that you need to pay. It will not create or increase a refund. So you don't owe anything, then the tuition credit will not be applied to your return. 

New Member

Seniors and students

I do owe!!!

Seniors and students

First, please verify that you followed these steps to enter your tuition claim as per our TurboTax FAQ: How do I claim my tuition fees?

If this has not corrected the issue, we believe your best option is to contact our telephone support team for further assistance, as they have the option to view your screen to help you. To contact them, please follow this link: Contact Us

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