New Member

Dollar format error on Carry Forward form about Unused tuition and education amount. It is always auto-fixed to format "_.___,__" and get error "Please enter... 9999.99

Did anyone had this problem?

Seniors and students

I have the same problem. dollar value in the format of 9999.99. I called two times, but I can't fill it in; the system automatically changes it.  That is a problem with the software, I need help. 


Seniors and students

@Mildredtorres Are you using TurboTax CD/Download or TurboTax Online?

Seniors and students

I am not sure. I bought a Standard turbo tax and downloaded it. I think it is Download because I had to install it.  And then their technical support sent me a link by mail, but the problem is the same. I installed and uninstall it two times. 

Seniors and students

@gargamel- @Mildredtorres Even if you are using TurboTax Desktop/Download, please clear your cache/cookies, sign out of your return then restart your computer. There is also a new update available today.


Thank you for choosing TurboTax.