I am having trouble accessing my previous tax returns, they do not appear in the drop down as suggested by the video?


Seniors and students

Are you using TurboTax CD/Download or TurboTax Online?

Seniors and students

TurboTax Online

Seniors and students

If you are trying to access the PDFs of your previous returns, please make sure that you are logged in with the same username & password that you used previously.


If you want to access the returns themselves, you would need to login to the specific year that you want to view. For example, if you want to open your 2022 returns, you need to login to TurboTax Online 2022 here: https://ww1.2022.ca.turbotaxonline.intuit.com/


Please note that returns that you created with TurboTax CD/Download will not show up online as they are only stored on your computer, not on our servers.