Title: RRSP adjustment

For last year tax return, I forgot to file my RRSP contribution for the period of 2023 January and February.

What should I do now? Is it a physical form that I needed to print and send to CRA? Or I can just make the adjustment using Turbo Tax for this year tax return?

Seniors and students

You can use Refile to add the RRSP contribution to your 2022 return. This FAQ tells you how: https://turbotax.community.intuit.ca/turbotax-support/en-ca/help-article/accounting-bookkeeping/file...


Seniors and students

Thank you for your quick reply 🙂

Seniors and students

You are welcome.


Thank you for choosing TurboTax.

New Member

Seniors and students

Are you certain we can use ReFile to include an extra RRSP contribution that we missed last year?  CRA says we need to complete and file a Form T1-ADJ and Schedule 7 and mail to the tax centre with receipts. 

Thank you!

Seniors and students

@dmhoff9 If the CRA has told you to send in an adjustment by mail, then do as the CRA asks.