Returning Member

Senior assistance tax credit (Quebec)

My Father in-law died 2024.

TurboTax is claiming the $4000 senior assistance tax credit (Quebec) for  Him and I assume my Mother in-law. His marital status remains married.

TurboTax is claiming $2000 senior assistance tax credit (Quebec) for my Mother in-law.

Her marital status is widowed.

TurboTax said the taxes had to be completed separately.

Both over seventy.

How to correct this?


Quebec taxes

I am sorry to hear about the loss of your father-in-law. 



Are you using TurboTax Desktop or TurboTax Online?



Returning Member

Quebec taxes


Quebec taxes

You can choose to say that the spouse will claim $2000 and it works; Here are the screenshots: 



Thank you for choosing TurboTax.