Quebec taxes

You will need to go back to your return and click on My Info on the left hand side of the screen then go down to Personal Tax Profile. Once you open it you will then click on the  top "EDIT" beside Income & work related expenses. You will then click on "did you work in 2021? YES- Then check off the following- I was employed- T4 Employment Income- I worked in Quebec and received a Releve 1 Slip. Continue. Now you go to the income Section and follow the steps below. 



This situation occurs when you have taxable benefits from a previous employer (such as a private medical plan) that was provided by your former employer before you retired.

  1. On the T4 entry step, enter only the employer’s name, select QC for the province of employment (Box 10), then select Save T4 & Enter Relevé 1. Amounts from your T4 are automatically transferred to your RL-1 for you, since they’re often the same
  2. Complete the rest of your RL-1 with the information from your slip, then select Save and Continue.



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