Schedule 9 is not being updated with my donation amount


Credits and deductions

If you are preparing tax returns with a spouse make sure the donations are not showing on the other tax return, Sch 9.

Returning Member

Credits and deductions

It is not.

Credits and deductions

I am having the same problem. The amount I am putting in to charitable donations is not matching only about 1/3 of the amount being transferred over to schedule 9. Nothing being transferred to spouse

Credits and deductions

Do you have any donations to US charities? Generally, you can only claim donations to US charities against US income, or your “world” income if you live on the border and your main source of income is in the US. The exception is if you give to a US university, and it’s either a school on the CRA’s list of “qualified donees” or you have a family member attending that school.


If you don’t have US income, the amounts won’t show up on Schedule 9, but you can see them on the DON worksheet.