Does federal 21400 have a limit?

I found that the total amount of this item 21400 does not match that of childcare expense. How is it calculated and does it have a limit?


Credits and deductions

Yes, it does. The maximum credit you can get per child is:

  • $8,000 for each child under seven years of age at the end of the year;
  • $5,000 for each child over six years of age at the end of the year and under 16 years of age at any time during the year, or for each child over 15 years of age throughout the year who has a physical or mental infirmity and is dependent on the taxpayer, or the taxpayer's spouse or common-law partner;
  • $11,000 for a child in respect of whom a disability tax credit may be claimed.

Credits and deductions

My child was born in Nov 2013. The limit shall be 8000 for tax year 2019. However, the current 21400 amount 7072.12 has no change even though I added another federal childcare expense of 712 CAD. I am confused.
