How can I go back in Turbo Tax and change the range of time that I'm claiming medical expenses for?


Credits and deductions

You can login to TurboTax Online 2023 here:


Then use the Find tool to search for "med" to get to the medical section.


Credits and deductions

Thanks, but that did not work. I went through all the possible routes (including searching for med), as did an expert who did a share screen with me. He came to the conclusion that I was not able to edit the date range for my medical expenses.

Credits and deductions

Did you have medical expenses entered for 2022? Because if you only have expenses for 2023, then you won't get the option to change the date, it will be from Jan to Dec 2023.


Credits and deductions

Hey, you figured it out! I have to click on the finished with medical expenses to edit the date. Funny how both me and the expert who gave me a call spent about 30 min trying to find that and weren't able to.

Thanks. You've saved me from having to start over.