What do I do if the new "Sale of a principal residence" section does not ask enough information and is wrong?

I sold my home in 2023, and despite not having to pay taxes on it as it was my principal residence, I have to report it.
It is asking for the following:
1) Amount of time as principal residence (whole duration)
2) % of ownership for myself, and other people (50/50 me and ex husband)
3) Proceeds of Disposition: According to the CRA, this is the sale price of the home (288xxx)
4) MY "Adjusted Cost Base": According to the CRA, this is the sale price + fees at which I purchased the home originally (311xxx)
5) Year in which I bought the house (2016)

However, when I proceed through the next questions about who the home is sold to, and years owned/lived in - it spits out the summary as follows:
(Address of home) - Proceeds $144xxx - Captial Gain/Loss $0

However, I did not make 144k on my house sale. I made $30k after the mortgage was paid off, realtors were paid, legal fees, and me and my ex got our portions split up. The  questions TurboTax asks, does not allow for enough information to accurately have an actual amount reported to the CRA. What am I supposed to do here?