Returning Member

Credits and deductions

The incorrect address for the disabled person is displaying in schedule 5, when in Forms mode. In the table below line 30450, the name of the disabled person is displayed and his (incorrect) address shows in green font. If we click to change the address, the system loads the form “Income tax and Benefit  Return” with the identification of the parent who is taking the transfer amount. The address is the parent’s address. This schedule 5 displays when we close the Dependent information window (forms mode). Note, we did input at some point that the disabled person does not live with the person taking the transfer.


i am in Forms mode, viewing a window titled Dependent information. The infirm - Caregiver amount is 0. The disability transfer for this dependent shows a value of 9,428.
There are 2 columns to the right: Fed claim and Prov. claim; the values shown in these columns are not editable. In these columns, there is a value for Infirm - Caregiver in the prov claim column; 5,593. There are also values for Disability transfer in the fed claim; 9,428 and prov claim column 9,586.