Unfortunately at this time, this is as far as you can go... I keep getting this error and reviewing. Not sure what step to take to make this error go away.



There are some new rules regarding Split Income (TOSI) and the CRA is now requiring us to ask a new mandatory question regard this issue. This question was added to TurboTax Online on Feb. 7th, so if you started your return before then, you likely went past the point that the TOSI question was asked. Run through the review again (Click “Review” and then “Get Started” on the left-hand side menu). You should see an error regarding Split Income. Click “Fix”, and it will give you the chance to answer ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to the TOSI question. Click “Continue” to save and go back to the review.

If you didn’t get any of the split income that falls under the new rules, and answer ‘No’, you should now be able to download a pdf of your return that you can print to file. If you answer ‘Yes’, then you must wait until Feb. 20 to print or NETFILE, as you will need to fill out a new form which will not be finalized until that date.


I started this tax return today. No errors for split income are populating when I click review and get started.


You can try going directly to the TOSI Question page. Click on the “Find” icon in the upper right corner and search for “tax”. Scroll down the list a little until you see “Tax On Split Income”. There are two in the list, please click on the 1st one and then click the “Go” button. Now you can choose Yes or No depending on your situation, and click “Continue” to save.

If you choose Yes, you get forwarded to somewhere else in the return. I think it’s supposed to take you to the form instead, but the form is not final yet (CRA has not finalized them), so you will have to come back to that on the 20th.

If you choose No, it will still bounce you to the wrong page. But then you can click on “CRA Online Mail” in the “File” menu and continue forward to the place where you can get your PDFs to mail off and for your own records.

If it’s still giving you the “This is as far as you can go” message, Sign Out of TurboTax (see bottom left), and clear your web browser’s cache. Then login to TurboTax again. https://turbotax.community.intuit.ca/replies/2647843

You can also try using a different web browser (ex: Firefox, Microsoft Edge).

If you are still unable to resolve this issue, please contact our phone support as they will be better able to assist you (*Not available for TurboTax Free users*). https://turbotax.community.intuit.ca/replies/3152013