Climate Action Incentive tells me i should get 300$ but once i finish all steps it does not add it to my return total. What is going on?



When you tell TurboTax that you live in a province that has the Climate Action Incentive (CAI), then that is added to the return when you enter the province. The amount may be removed or increased depending on the information that you add to the return, but it can also stay the same, which is why you may not see a change.


But why would it still tell me that i am eligible for that amount that i don't see. It should tell me that its zero then? This is the second year where TurboTax does the same thing. It only worked for me the first year this program was introduced. Same situation still applies to my parents who are married. It just does not appear to be doing what it tells me it should. 


Who can take a look at my return and confirm if its actually the calculation on my return that negates that eligible refund total, or its Turbotax issue?


Thank you,
