
I believe I have solved it.  After hours of trying to get my desktop to display properly, I loaded the program on my laptop, running Windows 7.  Miracle of miracles, it worked.  The message boxes were all normal.  Data entry worked.  So, I set about to do my taxes.  But, working with the small screen of the laptop was a drag, so I attached the laptop to a larger, external monitor.  All good.  The external monitor has a pivot functionality, and I prefer to work in portrait, so I rotated from landscape.  Bingo, the message boxes as displayed on the external monitor were again distorted, but normal on the laptop in landscape.  My desktop monitor is in portrait, but when rotated to landscape Turbotax's message boxes were normal.

It took me many hours to inadvertently come upon this design flaw in the software.
What kind of compensation can I expect?