Net Capital Loss Carry Forwards



I had capital loss in 2022 of 10000$ and my NOA of 2022 line 25300 shows it. Now, I am doing my tax of 2023 with Turbotax 2023 and this year I have no capital loss or gain. 
In ''deduction&credits - losses - Net Capital Loss Carry Forwards '' for years of 2001 - 2022, I  try to put 10000$ to carry forward the loss. However, at the end, in my pdf copy of 2023 tax return, it shows me 25300 line as empty. Will my NOA of 2023 show line 25300 empty as well and capital loss will be considered as 0$ ? 
Am I missing something with Turbotax to make it show on line 25300 in my pdf copy of 2023 tax return?


Thank you