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spouse's income incorrect??

I am trying to complete my partners taxes but when it comes to entering my spouses additional information I get an error. When I enter net income (line 23600) it says "your spouse's net income (line 23600) should be calculated by subtracting social benefit repayments (line 23500) from their net income before adjustments (line 23400)." I have been doing our own taxes for years and never seen this before. On their detailed tax summary, line 23500 says 0.00 and line 23400 isn't there. I have no clue what it means or what to do!


Please contact our phone support team at 1-888-829-8608 as they will be better able to assist you.


During tax season (from CRA NETFILE opening (mid-February) to the regular filing deadline (April 30), we're available 7 days a week during these hours:

  • 9 AM to midnight ET for English support
  • 9 AM to 9 PM ET for French support

During the rest of the year (May 1 to mid-February), we're available Monday through Friday, 9 AM to 6 PM ET for English and French support.




I'm having the same problem - a completely idiotic system