After you file

Depending on your situation, you would need to enter the information in the specific form. For example, if the investment tax credit comes from a T3 slip, you would need to search for a T3 slip and edit the information there.


As per CRA:

You may be eligible to claim an investment tax credit (ITC) if any of the following applies:

  • you bought certain new buildings, machinery, or equipment and they were used in certain areas of Canada in qualifying activities such as farming, fishing, logging, manufacturing, or processing (for more information, go to Atlantic investment tax credit)
  • you have done work that qualifies for scientific research and experimental development (SR&ED) tax incentives (for more information, go to Claiming SR&ED tax incentives)
  • you employ an eligible apprentice for which you want to claim an Apprenticeship Job Creation Tax Credit
  • you have unclaimed credits earned in the last 10 years
  • you have received a T3 slip, showing an amount in box 41
  • you have received a T5013 slip, with an amount showing in boxes 186 or 194
  • you have received a T101 slip, with an amount showing in box 128
  • you have a partnership financial statement that allocates to you an amount that qualifies for this credit
  • you have an investment in a mining operation that allocates certain exploration expenditures to you
  • you have created licensed child care spaces for the children of your employees

To go to any of those slips:

  1. In the upper-right area of TurboTax, select Find.
  2. In the Find field, type the name of the slip that you want to edit.
  3. After you find the slip, select Go.
  4. Edit the information and then select Continue.

If you require further assistance please contact our phone support team or contact us directly on Facebook or Twitter.