ON479–A CARE tax credit reassessment error on 2021 to 2023 turbotax filing

I have used Turbo tax for the last couple decades. Filled a joint form with my wife and I where I put childcare tax credits but got the ON479-A CARE credit applied but was ineligible for due to income. It was an error in the program. Not sure how to address this as it's not a small amount and interest applied. Presuming the 100% Accurate Calculations Guarantee should have caught this for the 2021 to 2023 tax years as we just got our reassessment stating the error. 

After you file

This TurboTax FAQ tells you how you can submit a claim under the TurboTax 100% Accurate Calculations Guarantee: https://turbotax.community.intuit.ca/turbotax-support/en-ca/help-article/tax-return/submit-claim-tur...




After you file

That link doesn't let me submit a Canadian form only USA 100% claim guarantee. The Canadian link tells me to call support. I was able to get a link to upload the files but not sure how I follow-up on the case number after I provided the files. 

After you file

Did they provide you with a case number? Once they receive all the documents requested, an investigation will be done, and the results should be emailed to you.


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