Returning Member

After you file

I called that number. More than once. Could not get a real person and every time all they did was send me a text to this thread-- which does not solve the problem.

I solved it eventually, BY DECIDING NEVER TO USE TURBOTAX AGAIN, for my personal returns. Also, I had to pay interest because this issue caused me to file late.

I found a much easier solution to turbotax, one where I can actually see the forms, doesn't ask me dozens of irrelevant questions, over and over, (which the software should know are irrelevant based on my previous answers), does not include surprise amounts I cannot get rid of, and does not try to trick me into up-selling their useless audit and review services at every turn. (It is shameful how the "automatic" choice for every one of your up-sells is to choose yes. Shameful given how many less knowledgable people use this software.)

Average time to do my taxes using Turbox tax => 4-6 hours. Time to do my taxes this year, using different software (and needing to input all my personal info again, due to switching platforms) 30 mins.
You have lost a previously loyal customer.
Looking for alternatives to quickbooks for my corporation now, too.

After you file

Did not work same amount there for Northern Resident Deductions that I did not enter. Stupid Turbo Tax. I remember I had this same problem last year, but cannot find the way to correct it and it's very FRUSTRATION glitch in your TT system


After you file

Please go to the Find icon at the top right of your return and enter Northern then highlight Northern Residents Deduction then click Go. From here you can edit or remove any information. Remember to always click on Done or Continue at the bottom of each screen to save your changes.


Thank you for choosing TurboTax.