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Can't file due to locked forms.

My Income tax cannot be filed due to locked forms for some reason. Here is a list of the forms that could be locked, and if you check, I do not use any of them.


T1273/T1274 - Statement - Harmonized CAIS Program Information and Statement of Farming Activities for Individuals

T1175 - FARMING - Calculation of Capital Cost Allowance (CCA) and Business use-of-home Expenses

T2042 - Statement of Farming Activities

T2043 - Return of Fuel Charge Proceeds to Farmers Tax Credit

T1229 - Statement of Exploration and Development Expenses and Depletion Allowance

T776 - Real Estate Rentals

T2125 - Statement of Business or Professional Activities

T2121 - Statement of Fishing Activities


Since I do not use these forms, why is my Turbo Tax file locked and preventing me from filing?