
I figured it out last year but didn't write it down :(   However it seems a bit better this year - in EasyStep, search for "net capital" and the suggestion box will list Net Capital Loss Carryfoward.  Click on that.  You're now on the EasyStep version of the worksheet for line 25300 where the loss will go.  The net capital loss stated on last year's NOA cannot be directly entered on line 25300 since that total loss amount might include amounts from years that had different "inclusion rates". 

On the EasyStep (or directly in the worksheet for line 25300), enter the parts of your total carryforward loss for each of the periods when they happened.  For most of us, it will all be 2001 and later so the inclusion rate is 100%.  Then click Continue, and you have a form where you enter how much of the loss you actually want to use this year.  TurboTax will put the calculated total onto line 25300.  I can't finish checking this since I haven't entered my gains yet, but looks like this is how the capital loss carryover is entered.

One other detail - I found out the phrase "CNIL" is not the same thing as net capital loss carryforward (from stock capital gains, losses).  CNIL is a specific term from CRA for business investment losses, and isn't capital gains and losses, so searching for CNIL might give confusing information.