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how to cancel/change the claim of unused tuition and education amounts from previous years?



I accidently claimed the unused tuition and education amounts from previous years for 2022 tax year. So, after notice of assessment, I tried to cancel the unused credit claim using Refile but there are two issues:

1. No update on Student Summary. It shows "0" on unused tuition and education amounts from previous years

2. Can not upload to CRA with "CRA Result Code: 603"


I am wondering whether this item can be changed and if changeable, what happened to my file.






The unused tuition is included against your income automatically by the CRA. Unfortunately, you can't choose to not use if it needed to lower your income as the CRA requires it to be used until the amount is at zero. 


If you included your unused tuition from prior year where it asked, it was only as an information entry and not an activation amount. Please verify your assessment when received and you will see the tuition carry forward amount applied.


Thank you for choosing TurboTax.