New Member

Error code 84 - 90214, NA, NA

CRA Result Code: 84
#90214 - Your software generated information to support line 21400, Child care expenses, that is not valid. Your tax return has not been accepted by the Canada Revenue Agency. 


I found an old manual about NETFILE that indicated this:

An entry was made for number of children under 7 years of age at field 9902, or for the
amount of child care expenses for children under the age of 7 at field 9903 and/or for number
of children ages 7 to 16 at field 9904, but no entry was made for child care expenses at
field 214.


However, as I don't have access to the raw data being sent I can't figure out where to correct this information. The information entered about child care expenses is correct as best as I can tell.