New Member

Confirmation Email

I purchased the 2020 turbo tax product for about 22 dollars about 6 hours ago.

Have yet to receive an email, constantly checking spam/junk folder, my card has been charged. Called TWICE the first guy told me to wait longer?? While the second person told me I needed my order number which I don't have because I haven't received my confirmation email???

I cannot use this product until I receive said email because it also has the license number which I need to input to go further.


We have sent you an email with the requested information.


Thank you for choosing TurboTax.

New Member


I purchased Turbo tax Mar 15 and have yet to receive my confirmation and license code.  I would like to do my taxes please.


We have sent you an email to the email address associated to this account. Please verify your spam/junk folder also.


Thank you for choosing TurboTax.