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Boxes in T1 general are not populating based on information in the T4E

I am trying to do my wifes tax return for her which contains tax exempt income, as such there is no number displayed in box 14 on her T4.


1. Turbo tax desktop thinks there should be income listed, despite box 71 being filled in as exempt income

2. comparing random boxes from an old return (2021 turbo tax desktop premier vs now) I see certain boxes are filled in that I can't get to fill in now. For example, Step 2 - total income on the T1 general, line 11900 has 0. But in a previous year (2021), I can double click it to follow that it's coming from line 14 on the T4E, which would be for maternity leave. Why is this value not being filled in on my 2023 return despite having numbers entered into the T4E on the 2023 form.


disclosure: I did not import any information as not all of her tax documents are available from the CRA website at this time, so I manually filled in the T4 and T4E slips through the easy steps.

Also, I just noticed I'm using the standard 2023 version, where as previously I used the premier version, does this play into account at all?


Any assistance would be appreciated.