Call me please.

Yesterday bought the basic edition Transaction 061030, did not ask me to use the registration and it is the free edtion. I deleted and uninstalled the free edition. Please send me the basic edition to install as I have paid for  it.


I edited your question to remove personal information.


You can download TurboTax CD/Download Basic 2017 here:


Please follow following steps to switch to Basic from TurboTax Free edition. Make sure you have the IKCs (Installation Key Code for Basic handy, which you should have received when you bought Basic):

  1. Start TurboTax 2017 - It should start up TurboTax Free edition
  2. You will land onto "Welcome to TurboTax page"
  3. Click on Menu "Tools" and then "Show Tax Centre"
  4. Click on link "I already have an upgrade code or an additional returns code"
  5. You will get a prompt --> Enter the IKC for basic and click on "Upgrade Now!". The application may restart and you should be now on a TurboTax Basic.

Hope this helps!