Level 2


this must be a change as last year this didn't happen, we've always filed together.


there are 2 spots to enter it:

1) does you child have a disability: Yes

2) do you want to claim it: yes, then it goes to higher income

3) then it states, is this seperate from the DTC? if i say yes spouse 1 which is me is approved to claim disability having a T2201 approved.

Disability Amount

If you had a severe mental or physical impairment in 2023, you may be able to claim the disability amount.
Does (Spouse 1) qualify for the claim and have an approved T2201 (Disability Tax Credit Certificate) on file with the CRA?
Does (Spouse 2)qualify for the claim and have an approved T2201 (Disability Tax Credit Certificate) on file with the CRA?