Returning Member

Complaint - Discount not applied - no customer complaint channel so publishing here.

I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with the pricing of your tax filing service and to request a 40% refund as advised. 


I have always used TurboTax to file my taxes, and this year, I was about finding an accountant to help with my tax but was pleased to see a 40% off promotion email. I decided to take on this offer and continue using Turbotax. I thought it's same as last year that you only need to start (not complete) your tax before the expire date for the discount. So, I began my tax filing process via the offer link. I saw a warning saying the price would increase on April 24. To ensure I received the discounted rate, I completed and filed my tax on April 23. 


However, after filing, I noticed that I was charged the full price, with no 40% or any discount applied. This was unexpected and contrary to the promotion that prompted me to file with TurboTax in the first place. I am extremely disappointed with this outcome and request that you honor the 40% discount as advertised, providing me with a refund. 


I would appreciate a prompt response and resolution to this matter. I look forward to hearing from you soon. 



We are sending you a private message.


Thank you for choosing TurboTax.

Returning Member


Thank you for your quick response. Found it and sent. Appreciate your help!