2023 Online T777 provincial error when reducing CCA

I am adding a Class 54 vehicle in my T777. The online SW goes and calculate maximum CCA based on 100% depreciation times business usage. It also calculates correct Fed and Prof refunds when doing so. I then go and override the CCA For the Year value to make it 75% depreciation, but only the Federal refund recalculates. How do I make the provincial calculation update based on my new CCA For the Year Value I entered?


Lastly how do I factor in my 7000 iZEV provincial incentive? It is supposed to be applied to the max/start CCA as follow: 61,000 + Fed + Prov tx - 7000. I see a box to include rebate no included in income is that where it goes and if so will it be correctly applied to the above formula?