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Slow startup of TurboTax2024 compared to 2022 and older!

I starting to have more of an issue with Turbo Tax.  Why is it that newer versions are MUCH SLOWER to start?  I think I know the answer - but need to vent.  We are paying good money for a license - yet you're making the end user now logging in with an account now - and then activate the product.     PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE go back to the old way where you just entered a serial number to register.  Those versions of Turbo Tax open up MUCH QUICKER!


As a test - I can open TT2019 to TT2022 in about 10 seconds from menu click to TurboTax sitting at the open options.  Doing the same with TT2023 and TT2024 takes literally 30 seconds!  I figured I'd let it slide last year - but this is getting ridiculous - exact same issue with TT2024. 


I tried this both on my older Windows 10 install with 8GB RAM and now a brand new build of Windows11 with 8GB of RAM.


I have passed on your comments & suggestions to our product development team. Thank you for your input.