
I entered the amount in boxes 18 and 19 as per the T4A (OAS) slips from Services Canada. I have solved some of the problem. It seems like there might have been an installation problem. I uninstalled and reinstalled the program. The amount was actually entered twice. After deleting one, it seemed to be back to normal except the reviews. This is probably what caused the concern in the first place. In the review process it stated that I have exceeded the maximum OAS amount, both before and after I made the adjustments. The taxes owed was actually the provincial health care tax only. Just to be sure I did a manual input on a Revenue Canada income tax form and tax calculations and it came out to the same as Turbotax.

Sorry if I sounded alarmed but I did not expect an anomaly in the review process which also asked for reviews of a variety of items which are just standard inputs that were required.