
Thank you for your reply. My posts clearly state however that nothing about my return has anything to do with capital gains. It was a loss carryback. Additionally, I wrote in a separate post that I attempted to re-do my entire tax return by omitting anything having to do with that form.. return did NOT require any of the forms listed on the locked FAQ page. It became a basic simple return and I still got the same "you cannot proceed because one of your forms is unavailable." 


Again, nothing about my return has anything to do with capital gains or any of the forms listed as unavailable. 


Please stop suggesting that it does. Or that I should wait to file my taxes. I paid a filing fee for a service that has yet to be rendered and continue to be lied to about the cause. The cause is your software update recently that your agent told me about on record. And it's causing glitches for me and many many others. Stop passing the blame to CRA. 

This discussion help forum has been highly disappointing. I recognize you as an agent are simply doing your job as told and that this lack of transparency and lack of proper ethical customer service is coming from the top down. And also that doesn't change the fact that myself and many others have paid and are blocked from filing. Hopefully those in power at TurboTax see how much of a mess this UI update has caused.