Level 2

2024 Ontario property tax and rent credit - field errors

2024 Ontario property tax and rent credit

Page in Easy Step has a problem in the formatting of the fields for Rent Paid and Property Tax Paid.    

Shows error 1 in Red Box "The amounts entered are invalid.  Please review you entries."

Although these are dollar values the fields on the entry page don't show 0.00 formatting.  Tried entering with and without cents but page is stuck with the error message and won't Continue.  

I was able to go directly to form ONBEN and enter and confirm the values.  The data for the Landlord or Municipality was also showing in the wrong field.  

Called support to report but they had no information and simply suggested closing and restarting the software.   Problem is still occurring so have verified the form and will proceed by bypassing that page and try to verify the credit at the end.  

In the meantime I hope that TurboTax can fix this error and update the software - there have been no updates in a week and half despite all the reported issues.