Returning Member

This should not have happened. Don't worry - your data has been saved. Our TurboTax application has stopped working properly. It rarely happens; we're sorry it happened when you were using it.

When trying to click to "continue" my 2024 return (turbotax online self-employed) from , the software opens the following page ( with the sad puppy image.

I suspect the glitch may be because it is trying to open a bookmark that no longer exists.


Issue has persisted since yesterday pm. Tried different laptops.


Is this a known problem that is being worked on?



Please make a copy of your return and proceed from there. Let us know how it goes. 


Thank you for choosing TurboTax.

Returning Member


Good suggestion. I had already tried.


Tried a new copy, different browser - same result (sad puppy).


Please post further suggestions. It seems there are other people with the same problem.


Did you happen to import your data from last year?

Returning Member


Yes I did. I was deep into the return, doing final review. I had just clicked a bookmark to go back and check something when it crashed.