

It may be "unlocked" but it is not working correctly. I am using the online version of TurboTax. The T1198 form validation rules seem to be excluding box 68560 Current Year (2024) when totaling boxes 68520 through 68560 (year 2024) and comparing this total to the value entered in box 68519. When a value is excluded from box 68560 (year 2024) and the intended 2024 amount is reduced from box 68519 the validation rule works and the form saves the submitted information. Enter a single penny in box 68560 (and subsequently to boxes 68519, 68518 and the Total principal (prior years only) box and the validation rule fails and throws an error "The breakdown of principal (total of boxes 68520 through 68560) must equal the total principal amount (box 68519)." on box 68519. This is a web form defect that should be very simple to fix. There is no excuse for Intuit to take this long to fix such a simple error. I understand that code defects happen but are normally caught during testing before being released to customers. I too have used Turbo Tax for decades and have never had an issue like this before. Yes, it may be a new form and there may have been CRA interpretation challenges... but this is just bad code. Please escalate this issue internally within Intuit I would prefer not to have to switch to Wealthsimple just to submit my taxes... that switch would be permanent.


Test fail results reproducing the error:

T1198 Defect.png


Test pass result when excluding a value in box 68560:

T1198 Defect 2.png