"Your Percentage" on T3 input form does not work

I have TurboTax Basic.  On the input form for the T3 slips, TurboTax does not apply the "Your Percentage" value to the capital gains amounts in Boxes 52 and 53.  Instead, schedule 3 shows the total amounts for all Capital Gains in boxes 52 & 53 in lines 17599 & 17600.  The percentage is applied correctly to dividends and to other incomes but it appears that it is not applied to the Capital gains boxes 52 & 53.   This needs to be corrected.  


Schedule 3 will be updated, and all the locked forms will be unlocked and ready by the 20th of March, 2025. This will be corrected then. We appreciate your patience.


Thank you for choosing TurboTax.


Thank you for your attention to this issue.  I have since discovered another problem, this time with the "Loss Worksheet".  In Step 2 of this worksheet, it ask you to "Enter the amount of Losses you want to claim(Note 1) .  The input box does not allow one to enter $0.00.  If you leave it blank or enter 0.00,  it enters the value of line 6 into line 25300 of the T1 Schedule.  If you enter $0.01,  or any other value it will enter that correctly,  but not zero.  In previous years, TurboTax allowed one to enter the amount of capital losses from previous years they wished to claim into Chart A, column D, row Year 2000 >.   For some reason,  Turbotax 2024 does not allow one to enter a value in Chart A.   Thanks in advance for looking into this. 


Both issues are still being looked into.


As a workaround, you can enter the T3 on both spouse's return, but manually calculate the split and set the "Your Percentage" value to 100% for each. The "Your Percentage" value just tell TurboTax to do the split, it's not transmitted to the CRA.


For the FHSA issue, you can over-ride Line 43 to claim zero deduction and have the full amount carry forward. This will not harm your ability to NETFILE.  



The issue that I was referring to was in the "Loss Worksheet" , not FHSA (First Home Savings Account).  I discovered on the "Loss Worksheet" that one can not enter $0.00 in "Step 2: Applying Net Capital Losses of other years to 2024" on Line 7 of this "Loss Worksheet".   It was not in the FHSA (First Home Saving Account") worksheet .  


@DWS49 It is a known issue at CRA's end, and we are aware of this issue, and our development team is working for a resolution. We appreciate your patience.


I don't like this workaround of doing the split manually. I use TurboTax so that I don't have to do calculations like this myself. Maybe I should go back to filing by using paper and pencil. It would work better and it would be free. Please fix this egregious error ASAP. How did this make it past QA? And when can we expect a fix?


Also, please let your telephone support people know about this known issue with splitting the amount. I've been on the phone with one for over and hour this evening and they haven't heard of this issue before.

New Member


The reply stated that Turbo Tax would correct issue by March 20 '25. But as of today march 26 '25, the error still exists in properly splitting the capital gains from the T3 slips amongst the % allocated


I realize that line 17599 on Schedule 3 is new this year, so I can understand how QA might have missed the splitting issue on that line. However, line 17600 has been around in prior years and the splitting worked fine in those years. How did this get missed on that line? It’s an obvious regression error that a regression test should have caught, especially if your regression tests are automated.