Desktop Standard TurboTax 2024 does not split T3 information between spouses as entered in the % fields at the top. Instead of 50:50, it all goes to one.

as of 18 March 2025. At least for capital gains. I haven't checked other totals. Work around by making 2 separate entries with 1/2 values for each.


Schedule 3 will be updated, and all the locked forms will be unlocked and ready by the 20th of March, 2025. We appreciate your patience.


Thank you for choosing TurboTax.


I'm having the same problem.  Please confirm this was fixed by March 20th


The issue is still being looked into.


As a workaround, you can enter the T3 on both spouse's return, but manually calculate the split and set the "Your Percentage" value to 100% for each. The "Your Percentage" value just tell TurboTax to do the split, it's not transmitted to the CRA.



I think it fails to split amount only for capital gains entered as being in the first half of the year.

If the total goes in the second half - box 53 I think - it works correctly.


I had a similar problem with an earlier T3 or T5 form, and solved it by putting all the value into the second capital gains period.



New Member


It's March 22nd and we still don't have a fix?



@patej The issue is still being looked into by our development team


As a workaround, you can enter the T3 on both spouse's return, but manually calculate the split and set the "Your Percentage" value to 100% for each. The "Your Percentage" value just tell TurboTax to do the split, it's not transmitted to the CRA.