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T4A Box 48 self-employment statement

This is the first year that I have received a T4A for a portion of my self-employed earnings. The T4A reports this amount in box 48 (fees for services). TurboTax prompts me to indicate the category that these fees fall under. There is a dropdown menu with 20 options, except they are only listed as numbers T2125B #1-4, T2125P #1-4,  T2125C #1-4 and so on with no explanation and I cannot find any guide to assist me in selecting the correct option. When I troubleshoot it looks like in previous tax years the dropdown menu was much shorter and simpler (i.e, only a few categories like Business Fees, Professional Fees, etc.). With the current menu, I have no idea which one to select. Screenshot below. Advice much appreciated! 

 Screenshot (1).png