Returning Member

CRA reassesed me for 2021,22,23 because TurboTax submitted the ON CARE credit - how do I file a claim against TurboTax

CRA reassesed me for 2021,22,23 because TurboTax submitted the ON CARE credit. This seems to be a common problem. How do I file a claim against TurboTax - all the links explaining how to file a "100% Accurate Calculations Guarantee" claim seem old or broken.


Tried calling support, but the wait is hours long - can a support person arrange to call or email me the information?


This TurboTax FAQ tells you how you can submit a claim under the TurboTax 100% Accurate Calculations Guarantee:


Thank you for choosing TurboTax.

Returning Member



That link says:


Step 2

  1. Go to our Contact Us page.
  2. Follow the prompts and enter your information. Once you've entered your info, a phone number and incident ID will appear. Make a note of your incident ID.Call the number provided. A specialist will process your claim.


But there are no prompts on the Contact Us page or any place to enter information on the contact us page that I can see. Where do I find the prompts to enter the information and get an incident ID?



Go to our Contact Us page. and enter your phone number; once you get connected to a product support, you can ask them for a case number.