
Hi, I've got this one out!


--You need to select multiple options, in response #1--


The proper thing to do (in my case, where both parents earn an income and equally support our children) was choose multiple check boxes under the response to response (1); YOU & YOUR SPOUSE / PARTNER.


After that, I once again generated the PDF copies, to verify that the ON429-A and ON429 were being properly filled out.


In the forms for the lower income earner (who is the claimant eligible for the income, and the person to which the question is being asked in the CARE page of the TurboTax wizard), the family income was now properly entered (Support person 1 + Support person 2) and thus the correct CARE credit was being calculated (ON429-A), base on our family income and our credit (ON429, Line 1) was entered (and for the correct amount).


In the forms of the higher income earner, although the family income in form ON429-a was not correctly entered (only has supporting person 1 listed), there was no credit being applied in ON429-a and the ON429 form did not exist.


After having initially chosen ONE selection (YOU) the first time around, I am now happy to move forward with checking both YOU and YOUR SPOUSE / PARTNER (Response 1) to the question.


Personally, I feel that at the root of this confusion is the statement "Select One" in following statement, prior to the responses:


To calculate the tax credit, select one:


1. Who supported ALL your eligible children? (three sub-selections)


-Your spouse / partner

-Someone else


2. Or, were there different supporting persons for EACH eligible child? (one sub-selection)

-Yes, there were different supporting persons for each eligible child (now breaks out to more questions)


I, like many I'm sure, after choosing (1), only selected one sub-selection, because at the top, it says SELECT ONE.


However, clearly they meant choose ONE RESPONSE for (1) or (2), but that there could be multiple "sub-selections", as checked boxed under those responses.

I think all of this confusion could be solved by re-wording Response 1 to this:


1. Who supported ALL your eligible children (check all that apply)?


-Your spouse / partner

-Someone else


Again, my situation is very straight forward, and seeing that the entries and credits are being applied as I expected in our PDF copies, I'm moving forward with both YOU and YOUR SPOUSE / PARTNER checked.


I hope this explanation helps Tech support (albeit very nice and helpful), were not able to help me after two hours on the phone with how to resolve this specific issue.