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Netfile error message 280010

CRA continues to reject my Netfile attempts citing " 

Code: #280010 - The first digit of the message number on the left identifies one of your financial statements.
The sum of all income lines minus the expenses claimed does not equal the net income/loss on line 9946 of this statement. Please verify all your income and expense entries. Your software should create the value for line 9946 using amounts you entered on the preceding income and expenses lines. Therefore, you may need to change the entries on the preceding lines in response to this message.

I have completed a T2125 C and a T2125B. I have reviewed both and line 9946 is correct. When beginning my return, TurboTax somehow created a second iteration of my T2125C, which I subsequently deleted. I have a feeling that;'s where the problem lies, but I have no idea how to deal with it at this point.


Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.