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I use a Mac to prepare my taxes. In previous years I purchased Turbo Tax Standard Edition for $34.99 allowing preapartion up to 8 returns. Where can I find this for 2023?

This is no longer sold by retailers and I was told I must use Turbo Tax online this year. Is there a cost-effective option for up to 8 returns?
1 Reply

I use a Mac to prepare my taxes. In previous years I purchased Turbo Tax Standard Edition for $34.99 allowing preapartion up to 8 returns. Where can I find this for 2023?

TurboTax Standard Desktop is still available, but it is for Windows 10 & 11 only. TurboTax Standard Online was discontinued a few years ago, but it was replaced by TurboTax Deluxe Online. You can buy 8 return packages for TurboTax Deluxe Online at 3rd party retailers like Costco, Walmart, Staples and others...


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