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Is there a military discount?

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Is there a military discount?

Yes, you may be eligible for a military discount.


For members of the Canadian Armed Forces and police officers deployed on international operations.


You are not required to pay income tax on money earned while on active duty, whereas previously this was based on the risk levels of your mission. If you previously paid taxes, these payments will be retroactive to January 1, 2017.


To learn more about this relief, review this link from the Government of Canada.


If you have received military or police pay for both low and high-risk missions, the total of your income from all of these missions will appear in box 14.


However, in another section of your slip, some of that money will be noted with code 43, which indicates that it is not taxable.


When completing your income tax return, you should report the entire amount from box 14 as income. However, you won’t be taxed on all of it. As indicated above, when you claim the amount affiliated with code 43 on line 24400, it is subtracted from your net income so that you don’t pay tax on it. Instead, you only pay tax on the income you earned from low-risk operations.


View link below for full information.


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