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How can I receive the tax return? will the check be sent to the address that I filled in the form?

5 Replies

How can I receive the tax return? will the check be sent to the address that I filled in the form?

Yes, if you do not have the Direct Deposit set up with the Canada Revenue Agency, your refund will be sent by postal mail.


Thank you for choosing TurboTax.

New Member

How can I receive the tax return? will the check be sent to the address that I filled in the form?

Sounds great. Thank you for such a quick reply! 

How can I receive the tax return? will the check be sent to the address that I filled in the form?

You're very welcome.


Thank you for choosing TurboTax.

How can I receive the tax return? will the check be sent to the address that I filled in the form?

If I put my new address when filling out information on turbo tax will my tax refund get sent to that address or would it get sent to the address on ur cra information

How can I receive the tax return? will the check be sent to the address that I filled in the form?

@Zacharina  If you do not have the Direct Deposit set up with the Canada Revenue Agency, your refund will be sent by postal mail to the address they have on the record. You can always update your address with CRA or set up a direct deposit information by calling CRA( 1-800-959-8281) or by logging into CRA MY Account.


Thank you for choosing TurboTax.