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How do I input actual net income on turbotax as self employed commission based? Currently turbotax is showing net as my total commission, not actual taxable

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How do I input actual net income on turbotax as self employed commission based? Currently turbotax is showing net as my total commission, not actual taxable

To properly fill your net income as self-employed you have to consider some steps. In this case, to report income and expenses you need to complete the T2125 Statement of Business Activities. Please visit Small business Tax Tips: Filing a T2115 form and Master Self-Employed taxes with TurboTax to have a complete guide on how to report your income as self-employed in the TurboTax software.


Please note that once you complete the steps presented in the links, your total commission income has to be shown in line 13899 of your tax return summary.


Please also visit the T2125 Tax Form: declare income and expenses from a business or profession for more information.


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