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Returning Member

How do I pay for turbotax

Cant I send the payment in
3 Replies

How do I pay for turbotax

You will pay online using credit card or bank withdrawal.  You do not mail the payment for TurboTax in.

New Member

How do I pay for turbotax

unable to pay for turbotax anywhere


How do I pay for turbotax

If you're trying to pay for TurboTax Online, you'll need to create your return from your online account and, when you are done, the system will ask you to pay. Please note that with TurboTax Online, you must pay per return.


If you would like to purchase TurboTax Desktop and install on your computer (Windows only), you can choose your product from this page and proceed to payment. 


You can pay for TurboTax Canada software using a Canadian or US credit card, or pre-paid credit. Or, you can download the mobile app on your phone, and use Apple Pay or Google Pay to pay for your return. 

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