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I live in Montreal but worked virtually for a company that is located in Ontario. I have been taxed in Ontario but not in Quebec. How would i file my taxes?

I'm in the same situation - living in Quebec, worked for an Ontario company virtually. I entered my new address, and filled out my T4, but I haven't been prompted for any Quebec-related credits or even to fill out an RL-1. The section you mentioned "Your Other Quebec Credits Profile" hasn't appeared and isn't an option in the search bar. Is there something I'm missing?

I live in Montreal but worked virtually for a company that is located in Ontario. I have been taxed in Ontario but not in Quebec. How would i file my taxes?


Did you select Quebec as your province? When you click on Tax Home on the left side menu, and then click on the Provincial button, do you see Quebec related items listed there (ex: "Other Quebec Credits")?



I live in Montreal but worked virtually for a company that is located in Ontario. I have been taxed in Ontario but not in Quebec. How would i file my taxes?

Thank you so much, this worked!