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Incorrect purchase

I have been purchasing Turbotax version where the software installs on my computer forever and did not realize the purchase I made was for online edition.  I learned of this incorrect method after I registered the product.  How can I get it to be installed on my computer so that I can complete my tax manually on my own.

1 Reply

Incorrect purchase

You cannot install TurboTax Online version on multiple computers however you can open it an any device to continue and complete your return. 

The codes for TurboTax Online will not work with TurboTax Desktop & vice-versa. If you bought the wrong version, you can get a refund and then buy the one you need. 


 If you bought TurboTax Software from a 3rd party retailer (ex: Costco, Staples, Walmart), please use this form to get a refund 


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