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Re: Provincial residence 1.2 Many of the comments in this Cha...

I moved during the year from Ontario to Alberta and was resident in Alberta at December 31 but I cannot change the "province of residence" as at December 31. I have updated my address field to the new address and the T4 province of employment is also Alberta... Why can I change the province of residence? 

2 Replies
New Member

Re: Provincial residence 1.2 Many of the comments in this Cha...

No I have not filed the return - using the PC version - not Online version. I had found comments on how to change province of residence for Online but not PC. I had rolled forward information from last year and was starting return and changed my address to the new one but the province of residence cannot be changed 

Re: Provincial residence 1.2 Many of the comments in this Cha...

It is best to change your address with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) before filing with your new address. If it is not changed at the CRA when you try to Netfile, you will not be eligible to do so due to the difference of address. Please see this CRA page to change your address. Please make sure your address has been changed before trying to Netfile. 


To change your province of residence in your TurboTax Download return, please go to Easy Step mode and use the Find icon in the top right corner. Enter "Province of residence" and highlight it then click GO. A screen will open up where you can edit your Province of residence then click Continue to save your change.


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