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A principle residence sale was not selected yet the form is appearing in the return, how do I get rid of that?

2 Replies
New Member

A principle residence sale was not selected yet the form is appearing in the return, how do I get rid of that?

I spent a couple of hours of joy going through this with support.  After getting of the phone with them, going through a software reinstall and still having the issue I printed out the tax return.  So I noted that there was a T2091 printing out with non-blank info.  Went back into TT, cleared that form then the PRWS, then closed blank forms.  Problem solved!

A principle residence sale was not selected yet the form is appearing in the return, how do I get rid of that?

If you are referring to the “Principal Residence Designation Worksheet” (PRWS), there is a known issue with them appearing and not deleting. Our development team is looking into the problem, but they have not given a time frame on when it will be resolved.

If you are having problems with NETFILE, make sure that you clear the form (Select PRWS > Edit > Forms > Clear Current Form) and get the latest update, which you can download here:

If you are still unable to NETFILE even after the update, please contact our phone support as they will be better able to assist you (*Not available for TurboTax Free users*).